Using technology and web3 to reframe charity

Doris Was Not Meat
5 min readSep 17, 2022


Doris Metaverse project. Creating a new rescue economy
Bringing Doris Was Not Meat to the Metaverse

Only a few times in a lifetime will one witness disruption, revolution, and a breaking point that reshuffles things and brings new choices.

Web 3 has been making headlines, giving analysts plenty to write about, and keeping many people awake at night, wondering how to crack the code to master this new, partially unknown world. Many would say that the hype is motivated by ‘money to be made’! And yes, to some extent, it is. But not all of it. And, if we dig a little deeper, we’ll discover that there’s something more powerful than money. And this is HOPE.

It is hope, the driving force behind the attraction to this new world, making people excited with the prospect of being a part of something different, bigger, and better.

Of course, some are in it for a quick buck, testing their luck or taking advantage of the complexity and confusion that everyone is experiencing; but these individuals are the bad guys, and we are not interested in them. At least not in this article. Thankfully, history has taught us that as the industry matures, we expect they will eventually leave or be purged.

Leaving aside speculators, Web 3 appears to be a place of opportunity where people are dreaming, building, and innovating. It is the evolution of the internet as we know it today, but more importantly, it is the disruption point many have been waiting for.

Facebook pioneered a new way of connecting and belonging with a platform that brought people together, creating new dynamics and opportunities. Uber and Airbnb catapulted us into the sharing economy by allowing people to monetise their assets to make extra cash while providing a much-needed service. These companies are just a few of many that have used technology to innovate, empowering people by giving them a choice.

So, we all know by now that technology is often associated with empowerment, but this time, we are witnessing a phenomenon that is potentially more than that, as we are not just talking about changing a specific behaviour because we are providing people with an alternative, but we are witnessing a disruption and opportunity that comes from reframing the whole. Rethinking the principles and the foundations across industries. Not one or two but all of them, operating in new dimensions with new rules. And suddenly, what we thought was only possible in Hollywood movies and science fiction books is becoming a reality.

With Web3, we are at the conversion of technological disruption and the human desire for redemption. And it is this potent combination that will change everything. Maybe not this year or next year, but soon. Within five years, the majority of our friends will be using crypto, and within ten years, all brands and institutions will be using NFT to optimise and secure information. Perhaps they may be called different names, but they will all be in the same place: one of the blockchains that will power one of the metaverses. And finally, The Matrix will no longer be fiction.

Web 3 is like a magic box that allows people who have been crippled by bad decisions or simply by a social system that is often too hard to navigate the opportunity to get back into the game and experiment, learn, join forces, and build. It’s an EQUALIZER. A place where those who have been left behind can move to the front and those who are already leading can grow stronger and thrive, with creativity, goodwill, and kindness as criteria for success. This makes Web 3 the place for all of us to do things that have already been done, but better this time if we do it right. It’s a second chance we did not expect to have.

And what better opportunity than this one to solve a real-world problem? Here is the ambition of Doris Was Not Meat: a charity that aims to fix dog rescue issues at their root, with the hope of finding redemption on behalf of the 200+ million dogs that need to be saved each year.

Doris is the symbol of all shelter dogs from the meat trade
Doris is the symbol of all shelter dogs rescued from meat markets

In this, some will see a dream, while others will see an opportunity. But let’s not forget ‘what if’ is what helped inventors find new avenues to demonstrate what were once only hypotheses but became, through perseverance and hard work, the greatest inventions of all. After all, even the wheel, the refrigerator, and the airplane had a ‘what if’ before going on a production line.

In the same spirit, Doris Was Not Meat’ wants to answer the ‘what if’ for charities, looking for a long-term solution. ‘What if’ we could tap into a new financial concept, join forces with new passionate and driven communities of creators, and build a new economy that uses blockchain to power an economy that rewards those who do good? For Doris, these are the people who rescue dogs and save them from euthanasia, torture, and suffering. We believe that dogs are more than just dogs! They are humans trusted friends, precious companions, and valuable support systems that can help people be happier and live better lives. Because of this and more, we must protect and respect them to the best of our abilities. Many people try, either independently or as part of small organisations, but they struggle to make a dent in solving the problem at its core, donating limited time and funds to support scattered and unsustainable operations in an industry that does not financially reward them for rescuing and rehoming these dogs.

So, WHAT IF we build a new rescue economy that converts (today’s) unpaid time and effort of dog lovers into tangible, valuable assets that people/businesses can trade or exchange within the ecosystem, aided by new infrastructure and currency?

We would layer the typical rescue ecosystem on top of a blockchain and disrupt the existing dynamics by introducing Doris Token, creating a new equilibrium among various players ranging from vets to trainers, volunteers to foster families, and others. People who were struggling to make ends meet can now earn a living by rescuing and/or rehoming dogs; they can exchange goods and expertise and be rewarded with the value that this economy recognizes by the impact they have. This will allow everyone in the ecosystem to win, dogs included, of course.

Doris Token. A new stable cryptocurrency to power the rescue economy using NFT’s, blockchain and AR dogs to reframe charities
The new rescue economy model

We are determined to develop a model that can replace reliance on charitable donations with economic sustainability in solving the problem. This is the dream we want to turn into a reality.

Doris token will power the rescue economy, allowing people in this space to do what they do best, rescue and rehome our wonderful four-legged companion dogs, without the financial burden they face today, leaving to the Web3 magic box, the honour to do the rest.

If you want to find out more about Doris Was Not Meat and why we think this is time for redemption, visit us at our Web2 address ( or look for Doris in the Metaverse. There you will find the path to the magic box!



Doris Was Not Meat
Doris Was Not Meat

Written by Doris Was Not Meat

Organization in support of independent charities against dog abuse and mental health leveraging blockchain technologies and web3 communities

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